Hello there! I am going to start out by saying that I started this blog for two main reasons. One is so that I will have a way to share my artwork and two, I figure that if I write about my goals publically that I will be more productive with them. We will see how that works out. So I guess...first things first. My new years goals:
1. Lose the last of the baby weight.
2. Get organized, the entire house.
3. Declutter. Anything that is broken, stained,too little, too big, doesn't work or fit right, out it goes!
4. Finish all current projects before beginning new ones. This one is tough. I find inspiration all around me and some ideas just seem too good to wait on.
I am making very good progress already. Starting off strong! I finished my daughters memory christmas ornament. Got all of our important papers all in one area and filed properly. I started an inspiration journal for all my "next" projects. Finished a quilt I pieced together 3 years ago! Finished making my DIY scrapbook cover. My new passion is making scrapbook covers. So much fun and there are so many talented ladies out there with great ideas! I will post some pics soon.
Here are the projects:
1. Quilt two tops I have had completed for about 3-4 years.
2. Piece together A third quilt I have had in the works for a long time.
3. Finish the remodel of our half bath. New tile and countertop. I just need to paint, buy some wall hangings and get some cute towels to match. Oh, and refinish the cabinets. *sigh*
4. Complete Christmas journals that I am making.
5. I have a special project for my husbands b-day which I need to do.
6. Complete my "pay it forward" facebook challenge. Almost finished with that. And...
7. The neverending project of keeping my daughters scrapbook up to date.
That is pretty much all the big stuff. Now I need to go tend to this list. I hope to have everything finished by May. **fingers crossed**
Welcome to the blogging world...you are going to love it!